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Call for interest to participate – Sodium Fluoride Consortium

Deadline to respond: 19/02/2025

In light of the Harmonised Classification & Labelling intention notified by ANSES in February 2024, Cosmetics Europe is calling for interested companies to join a technical ingredient collaboration related to Sodium Fluoride. The aim of the consortium is to prepare a safety dossier for submission to the European Commission to support the continued use of Sodium Floride in cosmetics and personal care products.

Consortium participants will accept to contribute a share of the costs incurred by the consortium and to accept the conditions stipulated in the consortium contract, which will be agreed by the consortium participants.

For more information and to notify the initial interest to participate, interested parties are invited to contact Marina Koukoulanaki until Wednesday 19th of February 2025. Membership in the consortium is open also after the deadline to express the interest to participate, i.e. during all the life of the consortium, provided a fair contribution to accumulated costs is made. At any point in time an interested market operator can apply to join a consortium as a late joiner.

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