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Cosmetics Europe calls for a strong CPR for the green and digital transition

  • Last updated: June 22, 2022

In its contribution to the public consultation, Cosmetics Europe lays down its recommendations to the targeted revision of the Cosmetic Products Regulation (CPR).

Cosmetics Europe recommends that any revision of the CPR should:

  • foster a sustainable (globally) competitive cosmetics sector, entrepreneurship and innovation capacity;
  • strengthen its science-based, proportionate, effective and efficient approach, addressing human and environmental safety in the interest of consumers, industry and authorities;
  • acknowledge the long history of a high level of safety of European cosmetic products and keep, at its core, the principle of scientific safety-based risk assessment;
  • remain the “Gold Standard” and international reference worldwide;
  • maintain a level of regulatory burden achievable and manageable particularly by SMEs; and
  • be future-proofed by introducing digital labelling provisions.

Cosmetics Europe urges the European Commission to take a holistic approach to the revision process and see it in the overall context of various legislations stemming from the European Green Deal so that coherence and consistency across legislations can be ensured.

Click here to read CE full contribution to the consultation.

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