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Press release


Visions and Reflections on the cosmetics industry at CEAC 2024

  • Last updated: June 19, 2024

Today and tomorrow, Cosmetics Europe is welcoming over 400 participants at the latest edition of Cosmetics Europe Annual Conference 2024 in Brussels.

Today and tomorrow, Cosmetics Europe is welcoming over 400 participants at the latest edition of Cosmetics Europe Annual Conference 2024 in Brussels.

Industry experts, policy makers, companies and other stakeholders from Europe and around the globe are gathering to discuss general, technical and regulatory developments on the cosmetics industry.

Attendees have the chance to attend a mix of plenary and parallel breakout sessions focusing on a wide range of topics including the future of the cosmetics regulation, sustainability and environmental safety, international developments and much more. The full programme of the conference can be found here.

“CEAC 2024 is taking place at a particularly interesting time in Europe. The European Elections are now behind us. The new EU representatives will soon start shaping the regulatory framework in which will operate for the years to come. We chose to frame our conference under the theme ‘’Visions and Reflections’’ because not only it allows us to reflect on current challenges and opportunities for the industry but also delve into what the future holds for us in this new legislative context and beyond.’’ said John Chave, Director General of Cosmetics Europe.

Cosmetics Europe also publishes today the latest market performance statistics for the cosmetics and personal care industry. Despite the many ongoing regulatory challenges in the EU and the uncertain geopolitical context, the sector has proved resilient. The European cosmetics industry has grown significantly, of 9.1%, between 2022 and 2023 and as of 2023, is valued at €96 billion.

The data confirms yet again that the cosmetics and personal care sector is a European flagship industry that provides significant social and economic contribution to the life of more than 500 million Europeans. This science-driven and highly innovative sector supports 3 million jobs across the European value chain, including more than 27,500 scientists.

The conference has been organised with the support of nine sponsors: Biorius, Chemlinked, CIRS, EPPA, International Cosmetics, QACS LAB, Mayer Brown, Quantis as well as ToxMinds and in cooperation with the following event and media partners: Beauty Horizon, Congress of Perfumes & Cosmetics, CosmeticOBS, Cosmetics Design Europe, Enhesa, EURACTIV, HPC Today and Premium Beauty News.


Background information:

About Cosmetics Europe
Cosmetics Europe is the European trade association for the cosmetics and personal care industry. For more than 60 years, Cosmetics Europe has been the voice of the cosmetics and personal care industry in Europe. Our members include cosmetics and personal care manufacturers as well as associations representing our industry at national level, right across Europe.

For more information, please consult Cosmetics Europe website.

Media questions
Media representatives should address their questions to media@cosmeticseurope.eu.
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